Cheam Park Farm (110 of 192)


Key Stage Performance

The national curriculum is organised into blocks of years called ‘key stages’ (KS). At Cheam Park Farm we have three key stages: Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) for Nursery and Reception; KS1 for Years 1 and 2; and KS2 for Years 3 to 6.

At the end of a key stage, the teacher will formally assess each child’s performance. These assessments are informally referred to as ‘SATs’. KS2 assessments take place in May and are more formal in format than in EYFS and KS1. The tests are taken in Year 6 and cover the three core subjects, English, mathematics and science.

The results of your child’s end of year key stage assessments will be sent home to parents by the end of the summer term. High schools use the results of the KS2 assessments to place children in sets for subjects.

Find out more about the National Curriculum Key Stages at GOV.UKKey Stage Results

View the School Performance Tables

Please note that these results are not current.

Schools are not required to publish their exam and assessment results from the 2019 to 2020 academic year as these have not been published as performance measures by the Secretary of State. We must continue to display 2018 to 2019 performance measures until new performance measures are published. 

Challenge Partners Quality Assurance Review


We Are Delighted To Report That Our Most Recent Quality Assurance Review Found That:

"Staff are committed and talented. Although a big school, there is consistency in high standards and expectations across both sites. Staff are constantly looking for new ways to make the school even better. Consequently, staff really do help pupils to fulfil the vision of ‘be the best you can be’."


- Challenge Partners QA Review, 2019


Challenge Partners QA Review Report