Cheam Park Farm (76 of 192)

Sports Clubs and Teams

Kingston Avenue Site

We have lots of fun and rewarding sports clubs that take place before school, after school and during lunchtimes within the school. Information about the sports clubs on offer each term, including how to join and pay for a club, will be sent by letter or email at the start of each term.

There are clubs for all year groups, some of which are combined by year group. Our sports clubs are run by the PE Teacher, other school staff or by external sports providers.

This year we have had over 270 different children taking part in extra curricular clubs before and after school.

Sports leaders:

Sports leaders run a range of multi-sport activities during lunch for all children in the school to participate in.

Sports teams:

Squad trials happen throughout the year for children to try and get a place in one of our many teams. Squad trials are open to all children who wish to participate depending on their year group. If a child is selected for a squad they will be expected to attend team training each week.

Training schedules will be shared with team players throughout the school year. More information, including schedules, will be made available at clubs throughout the school year.